The cement forms the backbone of the construction industry, but its production consumes a lot of energy and natural resources and majorly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. With the rising environmental concerns and the introduction of stringent government regulations on waste disposal, there has been a significant shift toward sustainable development. And with this, blended cement is rapidly gaining popularity as a green alternative to the traditionally used concrete in the construction sector. Using blended cement offers several environmental and technical advantages, but before we dive into these details, let’s take a quick look at what blended cement is exactly.

What Is Blended Cement?

Blended cement is prepared by mixing ordinary Portland cement (OPC) with one or two supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), such as fly ash, granulated BFS, silica fume, volcanic ash, and other industrial byproducts, at the grinding stage of cement production. This innovative cement-based material offers superior performance advantages, including improved workability, durability, strength, and better construction outcomes. Blended cement is more environmentally friendly and performs well in both hot and cold weather conditions. It also offers enhanced efficiency, reduces the amount of energy used, and generates lesser pollutants and carbon emissions. Simply put, the usage of blended cement instead of traditional OPC makes sense environmentally, economically, and functionally.

4 Environmental Benefits of Using Blended Cement

While the performance advantages of blended cement are plenty, its impact on the rising trend toward green construction practices is worth mentioning. Here are some reasons why blended cement is more environmentally friendly:

  1. Saves Natural Resources – The mineral admixtures used in the production of blended cement are waste products from thermal and steel plants. Using these industrial waste materials helps conserve precious minerals, such as limestone, clay, and silica. 
  2. Reduces Energy Consumption – Adding mineral admixtures like slag, which is a byproduct of other industrial processes, decreases energy consumption in manufacturing overall quantities of OPC by approximately a megawatt per ton. 
  3. Conserves Water – It uses a lower water-cement ratio in construction, thereby saving water.
  4. Protects the Environment – Cement is a key ingredient used in construction, but it involves an energy-intensive production process that accounts for about 7% of the total pollution. It releases various pollutants, smog, and greenhouse gases. However, in the case of blended cement, the use of additives reduces cement production, which, in turn, reduces pollution.
Technical Advantages of Blended Cement

While these four reasons clearly explain why blended cement is more environmentally friendly than traditional concrete, there are other performance benefits, too. Earlier, environmental concerns, stringent government regulations, and the pressing need to minimize carbon footprint were the primary reasons why the demand for blended cement was on the rise. However, the growing awareness regarding its technical advantages is also encouraging individuals to opt for blended cement. 

Let’s discuss the technical advantages of using blended cement quickly to help you make a more informed purchase decision when buying cement for your next construction project. 

  1. Higher Strength – Depending on the proportions and materials used, SCMs can significantly contribute to the strength gain of concrete. They can enhance long-term strengths, offering better compressive and flexural strength after fully curing (more than 28 days).
  2. Lesser Permeability – The use of SCMs reduces the permeability of blended cement and helps extend its life by reducing the penetration of aggressive water run-off compounds, including sulphates and chlorides, especially at later stages. For instance, silica fume exhibits around a five-fold reduction in permeability.
  3. Lower Risk of Thermal Stress – In the case of OPC, high-temperature differences between the concrete surface and its interior can result in weakened structural integrity and cracking. However, using blended concrete mixes can minimise the peak temperatures and lower the risk of thermal stress, thereby preventing cracking and loss of structural integrity. 
  4. Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) – A chemical reaction between the silica and the cement and alkaline elements in the water or soil can lead to expansion and cracking of concrete. Adding blends of SCMs such as silica fume and slag or silica fume and fly ash can help reduce the problems related to ASR. 
  5. Smoother Texture – Blended cement offers a finer texture than OPC when mixed, resulting in improved construction quality.
Where to Buy Blended Cement 

Whether you are planning to build a new home for yourself or starting a new construction project, there are many things to consider. Nevertheless, you can take some stress off your shoulders by seeking help from a Dalmia Build Advisor who will visit your construction site to guide you regarding the best usage of cement as well as help you develop the right construction practices. By now, it must be clear why blended cement is the way to go when it comes to your construction needs. Its numerous performance and environmental advantages clearly outweigh the benefits of traditionally used OPC. 

In case you still have some confusion regarding where to buy blended cement, then look no further. Dalmia Cement is a leading cement manufacturer in India, offering a wide variety of speciality cement and value-added products for different construction requirements. With a constant focus on quality, innovation and sustainability, our best-in-class blended cement offers durable and high-strength construction for years to come. Need more information? Get in touch with us today at 1800 2020 or click here and let our technical services executives take care of your queries.